
New Features/Changes

  • Updated to .Net 4.0, allowing further multi-threading and improved xml handling.

  • Added notification recipients to Process screen.

  • Users are now able to change the responsible agency on processes.

  • Crossfire CSharp functions are now cached and only compiled once when used for the first time, providing a significant performance improvement.

  • Added the ‘Build.DoNotAddSegmentGroupToMessage’ variable.

  • Added the ‘Message.PrimaryID’ field.

  • Added two new settings for the scheduling notifications to Schedule.config file

    • <add key="NotificationEmailImagePath" value="C:\Apps\Engine"/>

    • <add key="NotificationEnabled" value="True"/>

  • Added sorting, using the OrderBy option on the Segment definition. You can combine this with the 'Create new message' option.

  • Added Entity, TransportServer to be kept in the text box if the transport doesn't save.

  • Added Entity to standard export/import.

Resolved Issues

  • Resolved issue where when a function in a mapping gets changed to a different function the parameters were not properly removed.

  • Resolved issue where fields on the process screen were enabled after exporting a process.

  • Corrected the bolding of mapped elements and their parents.

  • Resolved an issue with copying Message Standards.