

WooCommerce Generating API Credentials

** The WooCommerce URL is the base URL, with the schema

Here, I would use https://localhost.woocommerce.dev for the WooCommerce URL

Incoming WooCommerce Actions:

  • ORDERS: Pulls Orders from WooCommerce

    • Filters:

      • Days To Check: The number of days to look back in historical orders. Defaults to 1

      • Status: The status of orders to pick up

      • Customer: WooCommerce Customer the order is for

Outgoing WooCommerce Actions:

  • ORDER_UPDATE: Updates a WooCommerce Order (Used for Tracking Numbers where the system does not have the Tracking Plugin)

    • The full standard used for incoming orders should be used for the update.

    • The Order/Id field needs to be populated with the original OrderID to be updated. This is required when updating

    • We have been using the Shipping Lines and the Meta Data for updating the order. The following input will give you the following output on the order.

  • SHIPMENT_TRACKING: This is to be used when the customer has the Tracking Plugin from WooCommerce. To see if they have the Tracking plugin, go into any order and you should see something like the following on the right:

    • To update this, we'll need to upload the following XML:

      • OrderId is the OrderId from the OrderXML

          • <TrackingUpdate> <OrderId>1234</OrderId> <DateShipped>2020-01-01</DateShipped> <TrackingProvider>USPS</TrackingProvider> <TrackingNumber>My Tracking Number</TrackingNumber> <CustomTrackingProvider>My Tracking Provider</CustomTrackingProvider> <CustomTrackingLink>https://mytrackinglink.com</CustomTrackingLink></TrackingUpdate>

  • ORDER_NOTE: This action adds a note to the order, which can either be a private note or note to the customer

    • This is what the message should look like on the outgoing transport.

        • OrderId and Note are mandatory fields, but everything else is optional.

        • OrderId is the OrderId from the OrderXML.

        • To create a customer note, then the customer note element must contain, true. This is case sensitive.

          • <OrderNote> <OrderId>1234</OrderId> <Author>Test User</Author>

          • <DateCreated>2020-01-01</DateCreated>

          • <Note>Hello World</Note>

          • <CustomerNote>true</CustomerNote>

          • <AddedByUser>false</AddedByUser>

          • </OrderNote>