
The prices we are passing through are the ones supplied from retailer when we receive orders.

This is our standard approach and customers check the pricing the retailer has provided. The reason we do this is because when the EDI Invoice is sent, for most retailers the pricing on the invoice has to match the pricing on the order.

If our EDI process puts in orders with a difference price from the price specified by the retailer at the time of ordering, then that price will be invoiced. Then, most of the time that invoice will be rejected because invoice pricing doesn't match the order pricing. Then there won't be payment on the invoice, which often isn't picked up for 30 or 60 days later when the payment is expected. The end result is that rightly or wrongly, Sandfield becomes responsible for customers not being paid by their customers.

We can change the process so that orders go in with the pricing from Unleashed instead, but generally asking the retailer to update their pricing in their system is a much better approach.