

This guide explains how orders from retailers are processed by Crossfire and loaded into Dear. It then explains the steps to take which trigger EDI responses to your retailer.

Typical implementations include:

  • Orders from retailer

  • Acknowledgements to retailers

  • Shipping Notifications (ASN's) to retailers

  • Invoices to retailers

Your specific implementation may not include all of these. For example, The Warehouse does not require acknowledgement messages.

Orders (ORD)

Typically orders are received each week. A single order is generally received and this order specifies the details for one or many stores.

The delivery details for each store vary. You may ship directly to the stores, so each store will have it's own delivery address, or you may ship to a number of distribution centres, which handle the distribution to each store. Either way, the delivery address will vary across the stores.

For this reason, the order set will be broken down into multiple orders inside Dear. Each order will be for a specific store and have it's own delivery address and product breakdown.

When the order first appears in Dear, it appears in "Authorized" status as a Quote. It is at this step when you can look at each store order and modify the quantities at order level if needed, based on the volumes you can fulfill.

When orders arrive from retailers, they will typically appear in Dear within 5 minutes.

Order Acknowledgement (POR)

Once you have reviewed an order, adjusted the quantities based on what you can fulfill. Mark the order as 'Authorized'.

If you have insufficient stock to deliver the requested amount you will need to modify the order quantity to the amount which can be delivered, before marking the order as 'Authorized'. This will send back a reduced quantity on the order acknowledgement.

When the order is authorized, the POR will be sent.

Shipping (ASN)

Once the order is ready to be shipped you will need to create the shipments within Dear, this is done by Authorizing and confirming the Order, Pick, Pack and Ship. steps within Dear.

If your retailer requires tracking numbers, be certain to provide the tracking number in Dear before saving the ship.

When the shipment is confirmed, the EDI ASN will be sent.

Invoices (INV)

When you are ready to send out the invoice for the order, create the invoice in Dear and confirm the invoice.

Note: most retailers will not accept invoices until goods are received.

When the invoice is confirmed, the EDI Invoice will be sent.

Credit Notes

EDI Credit Notes are not currently supported in Dear.