

Crossfire leverages off existing Sandfield components:

  • Scheduler

  • Messaging

  • Work With Framework

  • Crossfire Order Mangement


Scheduler runs as a windows service and can be configured to run any .Net program. For Crossfire, Scheduler calls Messaging to retrieve and send files, and calls the Crossfire Engine to process messages.

The status of the scheduler can be checked from the GoTo menu inside Crossfire.


Messaging takes care of the delivery and retrieval of all files. It does this by using several types of Transport mediums:


  • Windows Folders and Shares

  • Email (POP3 and SMTP)


  • WCF and Web Services

  • AS2 (via /n software AS2 component)

  • Excel

  • OLEDB Data Sources/Destinations (SQL Server)

  • Sonic Message Queue

  • Printing (PDF)

  • SMS Text Messages

  • Extensible to support addition transfer mediums

Messaging can route between different types of mediums or pass files to libraries for further processing, e.g. the Crossfire Engine.

All files which pass through Messaging are archived and can be reviewed using the Messaging web interface.

Messaging has been developed into a single interface for sending and receiving messages using a variety of transports. Retry attempts and intervals are configured to handle failures, and the web interfaces allows messages to be reviewed.

Transport Routes are used to route messages from one incoming Transport to another Transport for delivery to a different location.

Crossfire Engine

The Engine exists as a single .NET component. The advantage of this approach is that it can be called from a number of interfaces, such as Scheduler, Messaging, the Admin, or other .NET applications.

The Engine breaks down interchange (files) into messages and then breaks these messages down further into their components using defined message standards.

Once the message has been broken down into its components, Crossfire translates these components into new messages which conform to different standards.

Web Administration

The web administration allows authorised users to easily configure and monitor Crossfire from any location. Because the admin is a web application, it ensures that users are always using the latest version, with no client side installations required.

The web administration uses Sandfield’s cross browser Work With framework and Sandfield’s central user and security model.

Message Flow

The following objects are the key components within Crossfire.

  • Interchange - A collection of messages, typically a single file.

  • Message - A particular message, for example a pick order.

  • Process - A set of instructions of how to handle a particular message type

  • Transport - The method of delivering or picking up an interchange.

  • Message Standard - The definition of a message structure.

The diagram below shows a standard message flow through Crossfire.


The two key elements for setting up a new translation are:

  • Message Standards

  • Processes

Message Standards

A Message Standard defines the structure of a message. Normally there would be at least two – the message standard for the incoming file, and the message standard for the outgoing file.

Crossfire validates incoming messages against the defined incoming message standard, and builds outgoing messages based on the defined outgoing message standard.


A Process defines how to retrieve an incoming message, how it should be processed, and what message standard the message is.

One or more outgoing mappings can be defined to determine the outputs – what message standard to use, and where it goes.

To perform a translation, the following items need to be created:

  1. Inbound Transport

  2. Inbound Process

  3. Mapping

  4. Outbound Transport