Customer Monitor - Member Uploads

How it works

    1. Customers send files to Crossfire Cloud via SFTP

    2. Crossfire [EDI Software] picks up file, validates it, translates to Customer Monitor format, if there is an error with the format of the file, Customer Monitor will be notified.

    3. Member data is securely inserted into Customer Monitor's system.

Server Details

    • Host:

    • Port: 22

    • Username: [Provided to partner]

    • Password: [Not required - authentication provided by key]

    • Key: [Private key provided to partner for authentication]

Transmission Frequency

Most partners choose to transfer files once per day. Please advise the typical transmission frequency to Customer Monitor so alerts can be configured when files do not arrive.

File Naming

Please include the date in the file name and use the extension "csv" for the standard file format. e.g. CustomerMonitor_20160815.csv

Alternative upload options

Files can also be transferred via FTP, Email,HTTP or FTPS if this is preferred, contact us for details.