Finding & Resolving Messages

Checking The Dashboard

The dashboard will give an overview of the current status of Crossfire.

    1. Ensure all required instances are running (green).

    2. Ensure there are no notifications of Schedules running late or Transport failures in the dashboard.

    3. Ensure the message graph shows messages have been processed.

Red Items

These need to be addressed. Click on the item on the dashboard, then check the log tab. The error should be displayed.

Orange Items

There may be a legitimate reason for schedules to be running slowly, such as a big queue, there may be too many steps in a schedule.

This will require some judgement. If it happens frequently then it needs to be reviewed.

Finding a Message

The most common query is if EDI has been received from a Customer.

The following information is required to find a message:

    • Partner/Customer name

    • Date and time the message was sent.

It is also extremely useful to know:

    • Transport mechanism used (e.g. FTP, Email, AS2, etc)

The following steps need to be taken to find the message:

Step 1: Check Errored Messages

Check the Errored Messages for the date which the EDI failed, looking for the Partner. Check the Errored Interchanges for the date which the EDI failed, looking for the Partner.

Step 2: Check Messages

Enter the Partner and Date in the filters and check for Messages at the time it was expected to be received.

Step 3: Check Interchanges

The interchange may have failed to be decompiled into Messages. Enter the Partner and Date in the filters and check for Messages at the time it was expected to be received.

Step 4: Check Messages Archived

In the Messaging module, select Messages Archived. In the Date filter, enter the date the message was expected. Enter the name of the Partner in the Transport filter and press tab. This will display a list of the Transports for the Partner (providing they are named accordingly).

Select the appropriate Transport and check for Archived Messages at the expected time.

Step 5: Check External Source

If the message cannot be found, check the external source ( Folder, FTP folder, Mailbox).

Fixing Messages

Fixing messages will depend on the cause of the error, below are some common errors.

Errored Interchange

    • Malformed Interchange

Errored Message

    • Code List Error

    • Malformed Message

Message Archived

    • Message has not been passed to Crossfire for processing.

Users will need to use the error message and their judgement to identify the primary cause.

Code List Error – Add code list entry

You can use the character * in the translation list. This means if the value doesn't match anything in the list it will translated to the value set for the *.

So you set the code as * and then the default value as the translation. It matches all the existing codes first, then if it doesn't match any of them, it sends through the default.

It does NOT send out a notification in this case.

Malformed – Directly alter the contents of the Interchange/Message. Click Apply, then Reprocess.

Not Delivered – Click ‘resend’ on the Message archived.


There are two types of notifications:

    1. Messaging Notifications - A transport has failed (ftp down, no folder permissions, password rejected, etc). Recipients are set in the database (SALMessaging_WBG.dbo.tblSetting).

    2. Crossfire Notifications – The validation (parsing) of a Message or Interchange has failed. Recipients are set using the EDI.NotificationRecipients setting in the Settings.

These can be sent to separate groups of recipients. They will look as follows:

Messaging Notification:

Crossfire Notification: