3rd Party Transports


Incoming Shopify

Basic settings

    • Server - this is the Shopify URL to connect to

    • API key - this is the Shopify API Key obtained from the Apps section with Shopify administration

    • API password - this is the Shopify API password obtained from the Apps section with Shopify administration

  • Days to check - this is the number of days to check from orders. If set to 2 it will check all items for the last 2 days

  • Status - this is the Shopify order status to check. Check statuses to set below

  • Tag to find - user in processing returns

  • Tag to set - used in processing returns

  • Action - the action to perform

    • ORDER - set the status to open to process normal orders

    • RETURNS - set the status to open to process returns

    • CANCELLED - set the status to cancelled to process cancelled orders


  • EasyPost API Key (optional) - if your partner uses EasyPost as an integrated carrier for their Shopify setup, you will need the API key for this to update fulfillment information on returns

Outgoing Shopify

Basic settings

    • Server - this is the Shopify URL to connect to

    • API key - this is the Shopify API Key obtained from the Apps section with Shopify administration

    • API password - this is the Shopify API password obtained from the Apps section with Shopify administration

  • Action - the action to perform posting data back to Shopify

    • INVENTORYBALANCE - for updating inventory balance values in Shopify

      • CREATEFULFILLMENT - for creating a fulfillment against a specific order

      • UPDATEORDER - to update an order

      • UPDATEORDERNOTES - to update notes on an order

      • CREATEORDER - to create new order in Shopify

  • EasyPost API Key (optional) - if your partner uses EasyPost as an integrated carrier for their Shopify setup, you will need the API key for this to create shipment information in Shopify



Dear Inventory
