


ORDERS - Pulls orders from ShipStation

 Customer Name: Returns orders that match the specified name. 

Item Keyword: Returns orders that contain items that match the specified keyword. Fields searched are Sku, Description, and Options. 

Days to Check Max: The maximum number of days to look back for orders.

Days to Check Min: The minimum number of days to look back for orders.

For example, a transport with Create Days to Check Max = 28 and Create Days to check Min = 5 looks for orders created 5-28 days ago.

Customs Country Code: The default two-letter ISO Origin Country code for the Product. 

Order Number: Filter by order number, performs a "starts with" search. 

Order Status: Filter by order status. If left empty, orders of all statuses are returned.


Store ID: Filters orders to a single, identified store. 

Sort By: Sort the responses by a set value.


Sort Direction: Sets the direction of the sort order.




Max Orders Per page: Default value is 500. Decreasing this increases the number of API calls made.


MARKASSHIPPED - Marks an order in shipstation as shipped. Creates a fulfillment with the tracking number and carrier code. Set notifySalesChannels=true for shopify integration to work.

Message Standard


<OrderNumber>{Order Number without leading #}</OrderNumber>

<CarrierCode>{Carrier Code from Carriers resource}</CarrierCode>

<ShipDate/>{Will default to today if left empty}

<TrackingNumber>{Tracking Number}</TrackingNumber>


<NotifySalesChannel>{Set to true for shopify integration}</NotifySalesChannel>
