
Filtering Netsuite Transactions:

To filter Netsuite Transactions, we need to Reference a few tables and then build a configuration XML.



Type: SearchEnumMultiSelectField

Field Name: status


AnyOf = 0

NoneOf = 1


Sales Order:Pending Approval = SalesOrd:A

Sales Order:Pending Fulfillment = SalesOrd:B

Sales Order:Cancelled = SalesOrd:C

Sales Order:Partially Fulfilled = SalesOrd:D

Sales Order:Pending Billing/Partially Fulfilled = SalesOrd:E

Sales Order:Pending Billing = SalesOrd:F

Sales Order:Billed = SalesOrd:G

Sales Order:Closed = SalesOrd:H


Type: SearchMultiSelectField

Field Name: status



account = 0

accountingPeriod = 1

assemblyBuild = 2

assemblyUnbuild = 3

assemblyItem = 4

billingAccount = 5

billingSchedule = 6

bin = 7

binTransfer = 8

binWorksheet = 9

budget = 10

budgetCategory = 11

calendarEvent = 12

campaign = 13

campaignAudience = 14

campaignCategory = 15

campaignChannel = 16

campaignFamily = 17

campaignOffer = 18

campaignResponse = 19

campaignSearchEngine = 20

campaignSubscription = 21

campaignVertical = 22

cashRefund = 23

cashSale = 24

check = 25

charge = 26

classification = 27

contact = 28

contactCategory = 29

contactRole = 30

costCategory = 31

couponCode = 32

creditMemo = 33

crmCustomField = 34

currency = 35

currencyRate = 36

customList = 37

customRecord = 38

customRecordCustomField = 39

customRecordType = 40

customTransaction = 41

customTransactionType = 42

customer = 43

customerCategory = 44

customerDeposit = 45

customerMessage = 46

customerPayment = 47

customerRefund = 48

customerStatus = 49

deposit = 50

depositApplication = 51

department = 52

descriptionItem = 53

discountItem = 54

downloadItem = 55

employee = 56

entityCustomField = 57

entityGroup = 58

estimate = 59

expenseCategory = 60

expenseReport = 61

fairValuePrice = 62

file = 63

folder = 64

giftCertificate = 65

giftCertificateItem = 66

globalAccountMapping = 67

interCompanyJournalEntry = 68

interCompanyTransferOrder = 69

inventoryAdjustment = 70

inventoryCostRevaluation = 71

inventoryItem = 72

inventoryNumber = 73

inventoryTransfer = 74

invoice = 75

itemAccountMapping = 76

itemCustomField = 77

itemDemandPlan = 78

itemFulfillment = 79

itemGroup = 80

itemNumberCustomField = 81

itemOptionCustomField = 82

itemSupplyPlan = 83

itemRevision = 84

issue = 85

job = 86

jobStatus = 87

jobType = 88

itemReceipt = 89

journalEntry = 90

kitItem = 91

leadSource = 92

location = 93

lotNumberedInventoryItem = 94

lotNumberedAssemblyItem = 95

markupItem = 96

message = 97

manufacturingCostTemplate = 98

manufacturingOperationTask = 99

manufacturingRouting = 100

nexus = 101

nonInventoryPurchaseItem = 102

nonInventoryResaleItem = 103

nonInventorySaleItem = 104

note = 105

noteType = 106

opportunity = 107

otherChargePurchaseItem = 108

otherChargeResaleItem = 109

otherChargeSaleItem = 110

otherCustomField = 111

otherNameCategory = 112

partner = 113

partnerCategory = 114

paycheckJournal = 115

paymentItem = 116

paymentMethod = 117

payrollItem = 118

phoneCall = 119

priceLevel = 120

pricingGroup = 121

projectTask = 122

promotionCode = 123

purchaseOrder = 124

purchaseRequisition = 125

resourceAllocation = 126

returnAuthorization = 127

revRecSchedule = 128

revRecTemplate = 129

salesOrder = 130

salesRole = 131

salesTaxItem = 132

serializedInventoryItem = 133

serializedAssemblyItem = 134

servicePurchaseItem = 135

serviceResaleItem = 136

serviceSaleItem = 137

solution = 138

siteCategory = 139

state = 140

statisticalJournalEntry = 141

subsidiary = 142

subtotalItem = 143

supportCase = 144

supportCaseIssue = 145

supportCaseOrigin = 146

supportCasePriority = 147

supportCaseStatus = 148

supportCaseType = 149

task = 150

taxAcct = 151

taxGroup = 152

taxType = 153

term = 154

timeBill = 155

timeSheet = 156

topic = 157

transferOrder = 158

transactionBodyCustomField = 159

transactionColumnCustomField = 160

unitsType = 161

usage = 162

vendor = 163

vendorCategory = 164

vendorBill = 165

vendorCredit = 166

vendorPayment = 167

vendorReturnAuthorization = 168

winLossReason = 169

workOrder = 170

workOrderIssue = 171

workOrderCompletion = 172

workOrderClose = 173

Value: String Value to Search

Custom Fields (Boolean):

Type: SearchBooleanCustomField

InternalID: Internal ID of the Field

Value: True\False