Cargowise Rates Uploader


Crossfire Cloud EDI takes Excel files of Cargowise Rates, it converts them into files that can be easily loaded into Cargowise. The following steps and images explain the process to insert rates into Cargowise.

Step 1: Prepare your excel file of rates

A sample template of the Excel file can be downloaded from here or below.

* It is important that Effective and Expiry Dates do not overlap with existing dates already in Cargowise

* New charge types can be added to the end of the spreadsheet, but must have both Value and Currency fields for each charge type.

Step 2: Upload the file

Visit the Crossfire - Cargowise translator:

Select 'Choose File' / 'Browse' and pick your Excel file. Click 'Process'.

* Chrome/Safari/IE supported.

Step 3: Processing and validation

If there are any errors, they will be displayed in red. You can click on the errors and it will navigate to the that location within the grid. You can change the values directly in the grid and click the 'Process' button again, or alternatively update the Excel file and re-upload it.

* Processing takes approximately 1 minute per 100 lines, but if errors are found, they will be displayed in a few seconds.

Step 5: Download

When the processing is completed, click on the file to download it to your PC.

Step 7: Import to Cargowise

For Sell Rates, select Client Rates, then select Actions > Data Import > Import from Xml. Select your file.

For Cost Rates, select Costings, then select Actions > Data import > Import from Xml. Select your file.

Your rates will import