
Getting Started

First we need to get the server host name and server port from the Fishbowl administrator and we also need the administrator to set up a new user.

Note: A port may need to be opened in order to connect to the customer's server.

Fishbowl requires an initial request to establish the "Integrated Application" within the Fishbowl server.

To do this, create a Fishbowl transport and fill out the required fields (recommended to use an Incoming Fishbowl transport as it doesn't require an input file).

Integrated Application ID (IAID) can be any number, but has to be unique within the customer's Fishbowl server (i.e. 123456).

Integrated Application Name (IAName) can be any string (this value shows in the Fishbowl client so name it something meaningful so they can identify you. i.e. Crossfire).

Username and Password need to be filled in as advised from the Fishbowl administrator.

Note: From some testing, it looks like the IAID can be reused for multiple integrated applications using different IANames. However if you try creating a new integrated application with the an IAName that already exists in Fishbowl, then the following error will be logged against the transport:

Status Code: 1111 - This integrated application registration key does not match.

Once the fields are filled in, enable the transport and when the transport runs an error will be logged to the transport.

Status Code: 1110 - A new integrated application has been added to Fishbowl. Please contact the Fishbowl administrator to approve this integrated application.

This means your new integrated application request has been sent through to Fishbowl and and a Fishbowl administrator will need to approve the integrated application before Crossfire can send requests.

Incoming Fishbowl

  • Integrated Application ID - The ID specified when establishing connection to the Fishbowl.

  • Integrated Application Name - The name of your integrated application that will appear in the Fishbowl client.

  • Username - The username for an account in Fishbowl.

  • Password - The password for an account in Fishbowl.

  • Server Hostname

  • Server Port

  • Action

    • ORDERS - Pulls Sales Orders from Fishbowl.

  • Parameters - Additional parameters / criteria used when checking Fishbowl (each key value pair is separated by a semi-colon).

    • i.e. "CustomerName=Allan's Raceway"

  • Days To Check - The number of days to check for changes and new items.


The XML below is the request we send to Fishbowl to pull the Sales Orders. You can use any of the elements in the parameters, i.e. CustomerName, Status, etc.

To filter by Status, you need to use the status ID (see the table below).

Note: after some quick testing, it seems that not all elements can be used as a filter.



<LocationGroup>DB int</LocationGroup>























Sales Order Statuses:

Outgoing Fishbowl

  • Integrated Application ID - The ID specified when establishing connection to the Fishbowl.

  • Integrated Application Name - The name of your integrated application that will appear in the Fishbowl client.

  • Username - The username for an account in Fishbowl.

  • Password - The password for an account in Fishbowl.

  • Server Hostname

  • Server Port

  • Action

    • SHIPMENT - Performs an automatic pick, pack, and ship on an existing Sales Order.

Known Issues

Order 50069 failed to be marked as shipped. Status Code: 5203 - Unable to process shipment. Sales Order 50069 was not completely fulfilled.

After some testing, it appears one or more items in the order could not be fulfilled.