How can we add a unique counter into a file?

For instance, if we run the mapping for the first time, a field in the destination file should be filled with 1, the second time we run it, it should be 2, etc… Is this possible and if so, how can we manage this?

There are a few ways to achieve this.

    1. Use the 'Message.Reference' field. This will increment by one for each message of that event.

    2. Use the SequentialNumber' function. This function takes a 'Key' parameter it always returns a sequential number which is unique for the key passed in as a parameter. e.g.

    3. SequentialNumber('order') = 1

    4. SequentialNumber('order') = 2

    5. SequentialNumber('order') = 3

    6. SequentialNumber('consignment') = 1

    7. SequentialNumber('consignment') = 2

    8. SequentialNumber('order') = 4

If you require functionality beyond this, you can always write your own function, the SequentialNumber function would be a base to copy from.

Does Crossfire support outbound SMTP Authentication

Yes, just add a username and password to an Email Out transport and SMTP Authentication will be used.

Can I make a Message Standard from an Xml Schema (Xsd)

You can make a Message Standard from a sample Xml file. If you have an Xml Schema, you can use the Xml Sample Generator (file attached below) to generate some sample Xml and create the Message Standard from the sample.

Does Crossfire support AS2?

For AS2, we use a 3rd party component, the one we recommend is http://www.rssbus.com/solutions/as2/ which is Drummond certified and is free to use for one partner, additional partners incur cost. It places the EDI in a folder, then Crossfire sends and receives from the folder.

Does Crossfire support SMS

For SMS, we use one of two providers to send SMS notifications and delivery updates. These are either Cickatel (http://www.clickatell.com/) or SMS Global (http://www.smsglobal.com/).

Can I be emailed a copy of a translated file

If the file is translated, then you can specify your email address in the 'Email address' field on the destination process. Then add an Outgoing Email transport to the process in addition to the other transports.

If the file is only routed, then you can add another route, which routes to an Outgoing Email transport. Put your email address in the 'Override to address' field on the route.