Partner Settings
Price Validation Type
None - Do not validate
Warning- Will populate the comments of an Order if the Product price does not match the StoreOrderProductPrice (with other logic to calculate price also)
Error - Will error the Order if the Product price does not match the StoreOrderProductPrice (with other logic to calculate price also)
Address Validation Threshold
Not Used
ASN Type
For custom logic
Workflow Type
Onsite - Can edit Acks in the Order tables without needing to click the edit button
Offsite - Customer specific status logic
Price Tier
For custom logic
Error Email address
Email to send the below two error emails to
Send Error Emails
Every Order that enters the Error status will generate a notification email to the below email
Missing Notifications Enabled
Currently customer specific emails for when the Order has been sent but not yet received by the external system - This is reusable for similar scenarios else where
Notification Email address
The email for the below
Order Notifications Enabled
Every Order that gets created will generate a notification email
Acknowledgement Notifications Enabled
Every Order that gets Acknowledged will generate a notification email
Sales Order Notifications Enabled
Every Order where the Sales Order gets received will generate a notification
Shipment Notifications Enabled
Every Shipment that gets received will generate a notification
Invoice Notifications Enabled
Every Invoice received that is linked to an Order will generate a notification
Orders Enabled
The ORDER line in the status overview will be shown/hidden. Same will all OrderStatuses in the UI
Acknowledgements Enabled
The ACKNOWLEDGEMENT line in the status overview will be shown/hidden. Same will all AckStatuses in the UI (but not the Ackcolumn in the product tables)
Sales Order Enabled
The SALES ORDER line in the status overview will be shown/hidden. Same will all SalesOrderStatuses in the UI (this is a customer specific type of SalesOrder that gets matched up to an existing Order similar to an Ack)
Shipments Enabled
The SHIPMENT line in the status overview will be shown/hidden. The Shipment Detail tab, and all Shipment links / ShipmentStatuses on Orders in the UI will also be hidden
Invoice Enabled
The INVOICE line in the status overview will be shown/hidden. The Invoice Detail tab, and all Invoice links / InvoiceStatuses on Orders in the UI will also be hidden
Order Change Enabled
This determines if a duplicate Order can be sent to the portal transport. If turned on, the Order change will be validated and update the existing Order
Alternate Product Codes Enabled
The alternate Retailer Codes section will be show on the Product Details. These require a function in the mapping to select the official barcode from the alternate code. Useful if Orders come in with junk barcodes or if one product has multiple barcodes
Alternate Product Prices Enabled
The alternate Prices section will be shown on the Product Details. These are a combination of a Code and Price. These are used in conjunction with price validation and price replacement configured in the Portal Transport
Pallets Enabled
This shows / hides the Units Per Layer and Layers Per Pallet fields on the Product Details page
Backordering Enabled
This shows / hides the backordering fields on the product tables when viewing an Order
Automated Invoicing Enabled
The orders portal transport will get all partners where this is enabled and try to auto create an Invoice using the Order pricing and shipped quantities
Automated Order Supply, Reserve and Confirm Enabled
This automates the Sales Order action for specific customers. It auto populates the Acks based on the stock on hand in the external system and then reserves it
Automated Order Completion
This determines if Orders should automatically be set to the Completed status for this partner (not manual completion). When an Order reaches its final status determined by the enabled features (eg Invoices disabled, Shipments enabled, and status = Shipment Sent), the Order will be completed. Completed orders are hidden from the Orders Listing in the UI