Error Message Descriptions

Mapping Error Messages

“Error mapping element '...'. Possible cause is that an element which contains mappings was deleted.”

This typically means that an element was deleted from the message standard which was mapped. Mappings should be removed before deleting elements.

"Mandatory segment(s) '...' should have preceded the segment..."

This normally means that your message does not match the rules defined in your message standard. Check the order of your segments in the message standard. Also check that the number of repeats on the segment match the number of repeats in the message.

Interchange Error messages

"Could not determine partner."

- No partner found for partner service providers with service provider [ServiceProvideCode]. This error message indicates that the incoming message did not contain a partner code. This could be that it was omitted from the file or in some rare cases that the incorrect file format was sent. These are unique to EDIFACT messages.

Transport Error Messages

All Transports

"Crossfire received a message, but the the transport it was received from is not assigned to a Process"

There are two cases which can cause this.

File Transports

"Unknown user name or bad password"

Please check the username and password. This could be a problem on the network trying to access a folder on a network share where the user does not have access, check security settings on the folder and share you are sending or receiving files from.

"The network path was not found"

This usually indicates a local network issue where a shared folder is not available. Most likely the share has gone offline.  Check the server which hosts the share, ensure it it turned on. Test by browsing to the shared folder.

FTP Transports

When testing FTP connections, we recommend the use of FileZilla(

"The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets"

The connection to the server has been dropped. This can happen when the FTP server disconnects the client. This is most likely due to configuration of the server which closes the connection when certain conditions are met.   Test connecting and performing the same action using FileZilla to find out which point the connection fails.

"No such host is known"

The Domain Name Server (DNS) cannot resolve the named host or Internet address. You are trying to connect to a site which does not exist anymore or is down temporarily.

"Unknown user name or bad password"

The logon information was incorrect. Please check the username, password, and account (if applicable) details. If you are certain the logon details are correct, try connecting using the same details using another client, such as FileZilla.

"This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server"

That means the DNS lookup for the ftp server's name (e.g. failed to resolve and the IP address could not be determined. This could either be from your remote site's DNS servers being down, or the domain itself is misconfigured and is pointing at non-existing/unreachable DNS servers. It is usually temporary while DNS servers are being updated.

"Control channel unexpectedly closed"

This error occurs when the FTP server closes the connection. The reason for the connection being closed may not be known, it would typically happen because an invalid request was sent. Wrong username, wrong password, wrong account, account disabled, file transfer disallowed, or for any other reason the FTP is configured to close the connection at a certain point. Test connecting and performing the same action using FileZilla to find out which point the connection fails.

"The system cannot find the path specified"

The file that is being sent or received cannot be found. This can sometimes occur when the file name has an invalid character in it. Check the file name does not contain any non-standard characters.

"Cannot change directory"

Ensure the user has permissions to the folder specified. This is most likely due to invalid permissions on the FTP Server.

"Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."

The server you are connecting to has closed the connection.   This means the server is not accepting the connection or has closed it.  Test connecting and performing the same action using FileZilla to find out which point the connection fails.

Email Transports

"The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay"

This means the email server cannot send the email because it is not allowed to deliver emails to domains outside of the local network. The email server needs to be configured to allow relaying from the Crossfire server.

EDI Login

"An error occurred checking the Sandfield.SALCore.PasswordSecurity.  Check the SALCoreConnection and SALCoreVersion."

If you are sure the credentials are correct and the environement was just updated, the salcore setting table might be missing the LogAuthenticationAttempts column.