
Vend HQ Website

Vend API Documentation

The VendV2 transport has implemented API 2.0

Fields for the Incoming VendV2 transport

    • Action - The type of web request the transport is to make.

      • ORDERS - Pulls the Sales Orders from the Vend system.

      • PRODUCTS - Pulls the Products from the Vend system.

    • Token - Personal token that can be generated from the Settings page in Vend ()

    • Domain - The domain specified when creating a Vend account. This can be found in the Settings page in Vend under General Setup > Private URL.

    • i.e. if the Private URL is, then the domain is "leightontest".

    • Days To Check - The number of days to check for changes and new items.

    • Free Form Query - A custom query string to be used in the web requests when making requests to the Vend system.

      • See the Search API in the documentation to see what parameters are available to be used (currently only Sales and Products is implemented).

    • Status - The status of the item(s) you would like to pull from Vend.