
The dashboard monitors the system, it is divided into four areas. The top three areas alert users to issues with the environment. These are indicated by traffic light style indicators.

All notifications can be clicked on to see the details of the Schedule/Transport.


If a schedule has too many steps, or a step takes too long, then the schedule can run on a less than expected frequency. Other factors may also cause a schedule to fail, such as permissions errors, connectivity errors, SQL Server failures. If a schedule fails, it will not run and the alert will be displayed in the dashboard.

Green: All schedules running on their expected time frame

Orange: One or more schedules delayed slightly

Red: One or more schedules delayed signifcantly

e.g. If a schedule is set to run every minute, but the steps to be performed take two minutes, then you would see the schedule listed under the schedules section, explaining how far behind schedule it is.

In addition to alerts, the Schedules section, also summarises the following:

    • Total running on time

    • Total running behind expected schedule

    • Total disabled


There are a range of reasons that a transport may fail. Transports may suffer from connectivity problems, authentication failures, permission failures, etc. If a transport fails one or more times, it will display on the dashboard with the failure message.

Green: All transports running normally

Orange: One or more transport has failed, but less than the retry count

Red: One or more transport has failed enough times to exceed the retry count

In addition to alerts, the Transports section, also summarises the following:

    • Total running on time

    • Total with intermittent failures

    • Total with consistent failures

    • Total disabled


Displays current status of the windows service and up time. Displays recent message throughput figures.

System Performance

Displays the number of messages, cpu usage, and memory usage over the last hour. This updates in real time.


Fig. Example of a dashboard with no notifications

Fig: Example of a dashboard with a Transport and Schedule notification