Importing & Exporting

Moving a Process to Live


    1. Export both Message standards (open each message standard and click ‘Export’). If they already exist in the live system, then there is no need to export them.

    2. Export the Process without including standards (open the source Process, uncheck ‘Include message standards’, and click ‘Export’)

    3. Save the xml files to disk.


    1. Import the Message Standards. Click on Message Standard, Click on New. Enter a name. Click ‘Import from existing’ and select the file. The import process can take some time.

    2. Importing the Process. Click on Process. Click New, Click browse and select the file to import. It will take a minute and the Process will be imported.

    3. Set up your system tests.

    4. Create required transports.

    5. Associate Transports to the Processes

What IS imported:

    • The Message Standard.

    • The Process and all mappings.

    • The Partner if it does not already exist.

    • The Event if it does not already exist.

    • Functions which are assigned to the Partner.

What is NOT imported:

    • Functions which are not assigned to a Partner. You may work around this, by assigning functions to a Partner before exporting, and clearing the Partner afterwards, or by creating the functions manually.

    • Code Lists. Can be imported / exported separately.