
Tradevine API Documentation

Getting Started - Generating Tokens

    1. Register for a Tradevine account at (free trial option available).

    2. Click on the Settings button at the top right of the screen and select API Applications.

    3. Click on My Applications and register for a new application.

    4. Fill in the details for the new application and confirm. Your Consumer Secret key can be found in the My Applications tab under API Applications.

    5. Find and authorise the application you've just created in the All Applications section on the API Applications screen.

    6. Your Access Token, Token Secret, and Consumer Key can be found in this screen.

Fields for the Incoming Tradevine transport

    • Action - The action to be performed by the transport.

      • ORDERS - Pulls Sales Orders from the Tradevine system.

      • PRODUCTS - Pulls Products from the Tradevine system.

    • Consumer Key - The Consumer Key which can be found in step 6 of Getting Started.

    • Consumer Secret - The Consumer Secret which can be found in step 4 of Getting Started.

    • Token - The Access Token which can be found in step 6 of Getting Started.

    • Token Secret - The Token Secret which can be found in step 6 of Getting Started.

    • Days To Check - The number of days to check for changes and new items.

    • Free Form Query - A custom query string to be used in the web requests when making requests to the Tradevine system (see Tradevine API Documentation for available parameters).

Fields for the Outgoing Tradevine transport

    • Action - The action to be performed by the transport.

      • UPDATE - Updates the Pack List in the Tradevine system.

      • CONFIRM - Confirms a Pack List in the Tradevine system.

      • Note: Do not set the status in this message to "14003" (completed) as this will sometimes cause an error saying the pack list is already completed.

    • Consumer Key - The Consumer Key which can be found in step 6 of Getting Started.

    • Consumer Secret - The Consumer Secret which can be found in step 4 of Getting Started.

    • Token - The Access Token which can be found in step 6 of Getting Started.

    • Token Secret - The Token Secret which can be found in step 6 of Getting Started.