

Parameters are used in conjunction with either, Incoming OleDb or Outgoing OleDb type transports. These parameters will be used with what is defined in the command text field on the general page.


Most of the time this will only be helpful if you have database access. After the transport has been configured, for example:

Then the parameters can be defined:


    • It is important that the parameters are in the same order as they have been defined in the stored procedure in command text, if they are not then the wrong values will be assigned to each parameter.

    • To set the maximum size value e.g. nvarchar(max), the size needs to be set to -1.


There are some values which can be assigned which can enable special functionality, this only works for Outgoing OleDb type transports.

    1. [Message] - uses the contents of the incoming message attachment as the value

    2. [FileName] - uses the filename of the incoming message attachment as the value