

This guide explains how to integrate between Crossfire and Unleashed Inventory systems. It covers how we can set up the API connection from Unleashed, setup transports to get data from Unleashed, and how to post data into Unleashed.


Following are the reference related with Unleashed API and test sandbox

All Unleashed API info can be found in https://apidocs.unleashedsoftware.com/

Test Sandbox can be found in https://apidocs.unleashedsoftware.com/Sandbox

We can use the Sandbox to test the API itself before integration. You can use the infomation in Step1 to get the API access ID and Key.


You can go through following steps to setup a connection with Unleashed.

Step1. Request access from client in Unleashed

Step2. Get the integration key and token from Unleashed

Step3. Generate Incoming transport from Unleashed

Step4. Generate Outgoing transport to Unleashed

Step1. Request access from client in Unleashed (skip if you have access to the client's Unleashed)

This is a step that client needs to action before integration.

You should get a login/password from the client and be able to login to Unleashed.

If you have access to multiple clients, after login to Unleashed, you can change to specific client using the menu on the top right.

Choose Your Login Name -> Partner Portal

Choose your client if you have multiple client access

After you change the client, system will show the current client you are working on on the left top side of the screen

Step2. Get the integration key and token from Unleashed

*Please note you need to change to the specific client by Step1 before you get the API access ID and Key, since it's client specific.

Go to the Menu on the left side of the screen, and choose Integration ->Unleashed API Access

System should show the API ID and Key

Step3. Generate Incoming transport from Unleashed

In Step3 we will create a Transport in Crossfire and try to grab Order Info from Unleashed

Create a Transport by Messaging(Tab) -> Menu Transports(Menu)

Please make sure the Transport type is "Incoming Unleashed V2"

*Please make sure you use V2 and have following DB table and procedure setup correctly, since V2 will filter out the orders that we have already pulled out from Unleashed to avoid getting the same attachment

*Following 2 objects should reside in your [SALMessaging] database.

Table: [MSG].[Unleashed]

Procedure: [MSG].Unleashed

After filling following info, click "Apply". System will save the transport and pull out the setting parameters for this special Transport type.

Fill in the Detail Transport Settings

Unleashed Message Action. This could have following values

*Please note status filter will always applied

In this demo we will use ORDERS as a Message Action, and return Orders within the last 1 day.

Input the API ID and API Key of Step2

Please update the External settings and setup System to Crossfire if you want to process the message in Crossfire, otherwise it will not forward the message to Crossfire.

Test the Unleashed transport

Now we can setup a demo process the see if the Unleashed input transport is working correctly.

Create an Event for the process

Create a new Process

Please choose the correct Message Standard you need to map to.

*This is just a demo here since this doc mainly focused in creating the Unleashed transport

For demo purpose, we map to a simply CSV format

Now we can enable the Transport and see if the new Transport can get some files from Unleashed.

After enabled the Unleashed Transport, create a new Order in Unleashed

Change the Order status to Placed to make it fulfill the Transport filter.

After the next run of the schedule, check the inbound transport attachment.

We got the same Order generated in Unleashed.

Check the message and the output generated, it is correct as expected.

This means the Transport and the process works.

Step4. Generate Outgoing transport from Unleashed

In Step4 we will try to create a outgoing transport and push a new order to Unleashed.

We will reuse the Order file we get from Step3, change the order number manually, and do following:

1. Create an Incoming Transport from a folder - "Inbound - file from test folder"

2. Create an Outgoing Transport to Unleashed - "Outbound - Order to Unleashed"

3. Create a route to linked the Incoming Transport and Outgoing Transport

4. Drop the manually changed file to the test folder and see if the new Order can be created in Unleashed.

Create the Incoming Transport

Create a file incoming transport in the system as following.

*Please setup the input folder to your own system path.

*Also since this Incoming Transport do not need to processed by Crossfire, we didn't setup the External System to Crossfire.

Create the Outgoing Unleashed Transport

Now create the outgoing Unleashed Transport to Unleashed, please use the correct API ID and KEY that we get from Step1

Create a route to link the Incoming and Outgoing Transport

We create a route to link the Incoming and Outgoing Transport.

So every file drop in the test folder will directly send to the Outgoing Transport without change.

In this way we can simply test if the Outgoing Transport works and if the order can be created in Unleashed.

Change the OrderNumber and drop it to the Test folder

We replace the order name from "SI-00000041" to "TST-00000041"

*You can find the Test Order in the attachment of this page, please create the same SKU in your system beforehand.

Now we drop the changed file to the test folder.

The file should be consumed by the Incoming Transport and Route to the Outgoing Transport in the next Schedule cycle.

Check if the new Order can be created in Unleashed

After pushing the file correctly, we should see the new order in Unleashed.