Transport Routes/File Naming

These are used to connect two transports of any kind together. Some common examples are:

Inbound Transport: The source transport

Outbound Transport: The outbound transport

Match subject: Only route messages which have a subject which matches this pattern (email only)

Match from address or folder: Only route messages which have a from address or from folder which matches this pattern.

Match file name: Only route messages which have a file which has a name which matches this pattern.

Override from address or folder: Specify a new from address when routing the message. This may be useful if the from address is used in mapping.

Default value: If this is left blank, it will default to the "From folder" on the Outbound Transport. 

Override to address or folder: This is frequently used, you may use this to enter a new destination for the message your are routing.

Default value: If this is left blank, it will default to the "To Folder" on the Outbound Transport. 

Override subject: The new subject of the message (email only)

Default value: If this is left blank,it will default to the subject from the inbound message.

Override subject is SQL: Check this box if the override subject field contains SQL. The SQL will be evaluated and the result will be used for the subject.

Override file name: Output file name. If more than one file is within the message an error will be generated and a notification will be delivered.

Default value: If this is left blank,it will default to the subject from the inbound message.

Override file name is SQL: Check this box if the Override file name field contains SQL and it will be evaluated and the result will be put in the field name.

Custom fields: These are used by Sandfield to extent the default routing functionality.

You may use the variables in your overriding fields:

[fileprefix] - The name of the file before the “.”

[filesuffix] - The suffix of the file after the “.”

[filename] - The complete file name

[subject] - The subject from the email (email only)

[FromaddressOrFolder] - The location the file was picked up from

[ToAddressOrFolder] - The location the source file was sent to (email only)

[hour] - Current hour, in 24 hour format, always two characters.

[minute] - Current minute, always two characters.

[second] - Current second, always two characters.

[day] - Current day of month, always two characters.

[month] - Current month of year, always two characters.

[year] - Current year, always 4 characters.

[textBody] - Text body of the email.

[HTMLBody] - HTML body content of the email.

[MessageID] - Unique sequential message number.

You may use variables in your TSQL values. For example if “Override file name is TSQL” is checked, you could use:

SELECT LEFT(5, ‘[filename’])

This would use the left 5 characters of the file name as the new file name.