Exercise 3

In this example, we will expand on Exercise Two by mapping to an Xml Message Standard.

Setup Xml Message Standard

Create a new Message Standard, by selecting Message Standards in the Work With and clicking New.

Add the Demo Entity to the Entity field.

Change the Name to “Your Name Example Three XML”.

Change the Format to XML.

Click the Create New Standard button.

In the XML section, select Xml type to Elements.

See the appendix for more information on the fields.

Click Apply to update the message standard, then click the Definition tab to set up the structure of the Message Standard.

All Xml Messages require a root element; we will call our Root element “Message”.

The rule when creating Xml Messages is that a Segment Group must be created for each segment that has child segments.

Our desired output is:




Setup the Message Standard as shown below:

To add SG1, simply select the add new group option and set it up as shown below.

In this example you can see the Line segment is a child of the Message segment, so we have created a segment group.

Open the existing Process created in the last exercise and click the New Destination Mapping button.

Enter the File name and Email address for the output file.

Select Example Three Xml as the Message Standard as shown below:

Click on the Mappings tab. Setup the mappings as follows:

    1. Setup Transport

      1. Create a new Transport for this new process and assign it to the process, setup your new Transport as follows:

    1. Return to the destination Process page, and click on the Transports tab.

      1. Select your new Transport and click Add.

    2. Test

      1. Test with the CSV file as in the previous examples, the destination message is shown below.