Resolved issue with the transport type fields being unable to load when the type is ComboBox
Resolved multiple issues with Transport and Transport Type import
Resolved multiple issues with the Process importÂ
Resolved issue with being unable to search for Events by name when using the [] characters
Added filters for severity and date to transport logs
Added OAuth HTTP server types to Servers (this needs to be configured by a developer by deploying the latest HTTP transport addin)
Added WorkWith setting for controlling the default length of message references in X12 messages
Updated all import workflows be be consistent (import button at the bottom left of the screen, followed by saving via OK or Apply)
Updated Events to automatically update the process name(if it's the default value), when the event name is changed
Updated System Tests, so now the name of the test is stored as the filename
Removed functionality of codelists displaying the node in the process where it's being used, for performance
Improved performance of message archiving process