Post date: 18-Jun-2020 05:07:48
Resolved problem where users with limited access are unable to use the entity filter.
Resolved issue with EDI Messages not sorting in the correct order.
Resolved loading issue with transport type creation.
Resolved issue with certain environments where creating a new transport would stop the scheduler from working.
Resolved issue where certain environments were unable to load the certificate pop up from transports.
Improved performance of Crossfire engine process which marks messages as sent.
Improved performance of the dashboard.
Added support for authentication tokens on Crossfire Web Service, requires field AuthenticationToken to be added to transport settings.
Added Crossfire's own AS2 solution (currently only supports synchronous AS2 messages).
Added column to the mapping screen to show the parameter's type after it has been set.
Added Partner filtering to: Failed Messages, Transport Routes and Schedules.
Added option for Messaging to post messages to Crossfire using the Crossfire Webservice
Updated hover function over mapping function parameter to improve visibility of what is being selected.
Updated mapping function parameters to be bold when a value has been set.